Many women wonder what medications are safe in pregnancy. All medications should be used cautiously and in moderation during pregnancy. Our OBGYNs have compiled a list of common problems in pregnancy and remedies, including medications that are available without a prescription and considered safe in pregnancy. Use them as directed by the manufacturer.
- Increase daily fiber and fluids in your diet. Keep active with regular physical exercise.
- Stool softeners — Docusate Sodium/Colace (take two or more each day, if needed)
- Powdered fiber — Metamucil/Citrucel
- Miralax
- Milk of Magnesia – NOT to be used daily, but may be used on occasion for more severe constipation during pregnancy.
- Prevent constipation and keep stools soft.
- Tub soaks after bowel movements are beneficial for healing
- Topical Preparation H with 1% Hydrocortisone or Tucks Hemorrhoidal Ointment
- Tucks Hemorrhoidal Pads with Witch Hazel
- lf no relief, you may need further evaluation and should notify your doctor.
Headaches / Body Aches / Fever
- You may use Tylenol, but do not take more than 4000 mg/day, which is equivalent to 8 Extra Strength tablets.
- DO NOT USE ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN unless directed by your physician.
- See Guidelines for Obstetrical Patients for more information on fevers.
Colds / Congestion
- Sudafed (pseudoephedrine). Sudafed is not recommended for use in the first trimester. You must provide personal identification and sign for this with a pharmacist.
- Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
- Saline nasal sprays or nasal/sinus cleansing washes such as the Neti Pot or SinuCleanse.
- Afrin nasal spray may be used for up to 3 days.
Sore Throat / Cough
- Throat sprays or lozenges such as Halls, Sucrets, Ludens, Ricola etc.
- Cough syrup containing guaifenesin or dextromethorphan are acceptable, like Robitussin DM.
- Avoid lying down for 2 hours after eating any meal.
- First try Tums, Rolaids, or liquid Maalox. lf no relief, try one of the following: Pepcid AC or Prilosec OTC.
If none of the above is helpful, please call your physician for further suggestions.
Difficulty Sleeping
- Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
- Unisom
- Simethicone, Gas-X, Mylicon
Seasonal Allergies
- Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl, Actifed, Sudafed, Chlorpheniramine
- Saline nasal sprays or sinus/nasal washes like SinuCleanse or Neti Pot.
Travel / Motion Sickness
- Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate), Bonine (Meclizine)
Nausea / Morning Sickness
- Avoid large meals and try eating smaller portions frequently throughout the day.
- Sip liquids frequently instead of drinking full glasses of fluids.
- Prenatal vitamins may contribute to nausea. Try taking them at bedtime or with a meal. You may also try stopping them for a few days.
- Pepcid 20 mg twice a day.
- Vitamin B6 (50-100mg) one to two times per day.
- Emetrol
- Unisom (½ tablet) combined with Vitamin B6 (25mg) every 8 hours. This will make you drowsy therefore do not drive a vehicle!
- Some people get good relief with Red Raspberry tea, Ginger Root tea, Ginger Snap Cookies, or Ginger Ale.
- “Mommy’s Bliss Morning Sickness Magic” more frequently found in “Natural Food” stores.
- “Preggy Pops” are available online and may be helpful. Please call your doctor if symptoms persist as you may need further evaluation and prescription strength medications.
Acne medications
- Topical medications such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are safe in pregnancy.
If you have any questions regarding medications in pregnancy, please feel free to call or ask during your prenatal visits.