Explore the Madison Women’s Health blog to get trustworthy information in women’s health written by practicing female gynecologists and OBGYN providers.

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Woman suffering from constipation during pregnancy

Constipation During Pregnancy: Tips for Finding Relief and Peace of Mind

Constipation is one of those uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms that no one likes to talk about, but it affects countless women. If you're feeling bloated, sluggish, and struggling to have a bowel movement,…
Pregnant woman managing and preventing infections during pregnancy

The Truth About Infections During Pregnancy: What Every Mom-to-Be Needs to Know

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its share of concerns. Infections during pregnancy can be worrisome, but knowledge is your best defense. Our latest article provides valuable information on the most common infections, symptoms to look out for, and how to protect your health and your baby's.
man changing health insurance on healthcare.gov 2024

Frequently Asked Questions About Changing Health Insurance in 2024

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When it comes to signing up for or changing health insurance, there is a lot to know. Read this article to learn answers to frequently asked questions.
Woman riding a bike after overcoming yeast infections during pregnancy

Understanding and Overcoming Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy can bring unexpected changes to your body. One common surprise is the greater risk of yeast infections. Our latest article will help you understand, spot, and manage yeast infections during pregnancy.
A blood sample labeled for STI testing

Why STI Testing Should Be Part of Your Self-Care Routine

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When was the last time you got tested for sexually transmitted infections? If it’s been a while, it’s time to make STI testing part of your regular self-care routine. Infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea or even herpes often don’t show symptoms at first but can cause damage if left untreated.
Woman lying down while recovering from a hysterectomy

Hysterectomy Procedures: Types, Surgical Techniques, Recovery Times and More

Having a hysterectomy is a significant decision. In our latest post, we discuss different surgical approaches and the recovery journey. Empower yourself with essential information regarding this common procedure.
Woman suffering from symptoms of uterine fibroids

Understanding Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

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Uterine fibroids are a common concern, but the good news is that most of them are benign. Good reproductive outcomes are possible. Our latest article delves into the symptoms, causes, and risk factors associated with fibroids. Explore various treatment options, from conservative approaches to non-invasive procedures and surgical management.
patient receiving consultation during well-woman visit

What to Know About Well Woman Exams: What’s Covered and What’s Not

Regular well-woman visits are essential for women's preventative care. These visits focus on your overall health and provide important health screenings. Learn more about the importance of well-woman visits, what to expect, and how insurance coverage works.
Smiling Madison Women's Health provider with patient

MWH – A Different Kind of Care

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Other than being Madison’s only women-owned health clinic, what else sets us apart? We have a unique approach that empowers and supports women at every stage of life. From personalized care to stress management and healthier living, our commitment to our patients is unparalleled. Don't miss out on discovering the future of women's healthcare.
Woman smiling in kitchen who is pregnant after miscarriage

Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Dealing with the emotional aftermath of a miscarriage is tough, but you're not alone. Our latest blog post tackles the sensitive topic of pregnancy after miscarriage, providing valuable insights and guidance for women and couples navigating this challenging journey.
Woman with breast cancer smiling and putting on lipstick

Breast Cancer: Risks, Symptoms and Treatments

Did you know that the second most common cancer among women in the U.S. has a 5-year survival rate of 90%? The sooner it’s detected, the better. Read our blog post about breast cancer to learn about its risks, symptoms and treatments.
Pregnant couple with doula at home

How to Choose the Right Doula

Doulas can provide invaluable support during childbirth, but it's important to choose the right one for you. Check out our blog for tips on what to look for in a doula and how your medical team can work together with a doula to ensure a safe and positive birth experience.
Provider giving woman a mammogram

Mammograms: Do They Hurt? When to Get One, and Other FAQ

Mammograms are an essential screening tool that can detect breast cancer at an early stage, making treatment more successful. At Madison Women's Health, we strongly encourage women to undergo regular mammograms as a preventive measure against breast cancer.
Woman experiencing lower back pain during pregnancy

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: Tips for Prevention and Relief

If you are experiencing upper or lower back pain during pregnancy, you’re not alone. In fact, up to 90% of pregnant women experience back pain at some point in their pregnancy. This can be frustrating,…