Understanding Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
Blog, Fertility, Women's HealthUterine fibroids are a common concern, but the good news is that most of them are benign. Good reproductive outcomes are possible. Our latest article delves into the symptoms, causes, and risk factors associated with fibroids. Explore various treatment options, from conservative approaches to non-invasive procedures and surgical management.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): Symptoms and Treatments
Fertility, Pregnancy, UncategorizedPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS, affects 6% to 12% of women of childbearing age and is one of the most common causes of infertility. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with PCOS, this news is upsetting…

Getting Pregnant with Clomid or Letrozole
Blog, Fertility, PregnancyIf you’ve been trying to get pregnant, you may wonder if medication could help. Two of the most commonly prescribed fertility medications for women are Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and Femara (letrozole). Learn how they work and why your OBGYN might recommend you take one instead of the other.

How to Know if You’re Pregnant: Signs of Early Pregnancy
Family Planning, Fertility, Pregnancy, UncategorizedYour period is late, now what? There are a few reasons your period could be late. Pregnancy is one of them. Learn the symptoms of early pregnancy and how soon you should take a home test.
How soon can you find out if you’re pregnant? We recommend waiting until a week after your missed period. But here are some other symptoms of early pregnancy along with our recommendations for the most accurate home pregnancy tests.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Causes & Treatments for Multiple Miscarriages
Family Planning, Fertility, PregnancyPregnancy loss at any stage can be devastating. When it happens more than once, many women wonder what is causing it and if they’ll ever carry a baby to term. During pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, we explore some of the most common causes and treatments for multiple miscarriages.

Birth Control Options: What You Need to Know About Pills, IUDs, Implants, and Shots
Blog, Family Planning, Fertility, PregnancyWhen you want to take charge of your fertility and family planning, you have a lot of options. But how do you know which birth control is best?
The best birth control choice differs for everyone. It depends on your own health history and what you’re looking for in a contraceptive.

Getting Pregnant: Fertility Tips for Problems Conceiving
Blog, Fertility, PregnancyThinking about getting pregnant and starting a family can be an exciting time. But when it takes longer than you expect to get that positive pregnancy test, you may start to wonder “Why am I not getting…