Frequently Asked Questions About Changing Health Insurance in 2024
Billing News, Blog, Healthcare 101When it comes to signing up for or changing health insurance, there is a lot to know. Read this article to learn answers to frequently asked questions.

Why STI Testing Should Be Part of Your Self-Care Routine
Blog, Healthcare 101, Women's HealthWhen was the last time you got tested for sexually transmitted infections? If it’s been a while, it’s time to make STI testing part of your regular self-care routine. Infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea or even herpes often don’t show symptoms at first but can cause damage if left untreated.

Breast Cancer: Risks, Symptoms and Treatments
Healthcare 101, Women's HealthDid you know that the second most common cancer among women in the U.S. has a 5-year survival rate of 90%? The sooner it’s detected, the better. Read our blog post about breast cancer to learn about its risks, symptoms and treatments.

Mammograms: Do They Hurt? When to Get One, and Other FAQ
Healthcare 101, Women's HealthMammograms are an essential screening tool that can detect breast cancer at an early stage, making treatment more successful. At Madison Women's Health, we strongly encourage women to undergo regular mammograms as a preventive measure against breast cancer.

How to Prepare Your Teen for her First Gynecological Appointment
Blog, Healthcare 101, Women's HealthWere you nervous about your first gynecology appointment as a teen?
You may be surprised by how these appointments have changed since then! In this blog post, we go over the important whens, whys, and whats about their first gynecology appointment.

Choosing a Physician for You
Healthcare 101A new year is coming! With a new year, it's a time to think about your goals. Like most people, your goals may include managing your health. Choosing a physician is a good first step!

Need Insurance Coverage for 2018?
Healthcare 101Do you need coverage for 2018? Confused about what to do? Where to start?
employer sponsored insurance
In many circumstances, people have the option to obtain coverage sponsored by their own employer…

So Many Changes! Insurance Health Plans for 2018
Healthcare 101Recent changes in the health insurance landscape has many people wondering, how will this affect me?
Lately, everywhere you look, there is advertising for changes in health insurance - television ads,…

Patient Bills From Providers
Many of us receive bills, otherwise known as statements, in the mail from our medical providers after our insurance is processed and provider was paid. It is the responsibility of…